Products & Services
- Wealth Management
- Private Banking

Private Banking
Private Banking offers personal service for investment assets of over EUR 300,000. An in-depth understanding of investing is combined with Evli's top-level customer service.
Come and meet our experts when it is suitable for you.
High standard portfolio management
Cornerstones of the investment strategy
We base our investment strategies on academic and empirical research, and analyze and test ideas by quantitative means. We identify market trends and instances of mispricing, and systematically profit from them. We employ a long-term approach that allows investors to benefit from additional income sources. We use quantitative analysis to select the investments that best suit the chosen strategies. We constantly review asset class weightings in order to improve risk-adjusted returns.
"We are our clients’ trusted advisor and walk side by side with them. We foresee and adapt to be able to serve our clients in the best possible way. We always act with our clients’ best interests in mind."
Esa Pensala, Head of Private Clients
Personal service
Your own asset manager and other Evli experts are available to help you in all wealth-related matters. Your asset manager is always at your service. Meetings can also be held in the evenings.
Investment decisions can be made by Evli in line with the agreed strategy, together with the asset manager or independently with the help of the information produced by Evli. If you have several investment portfolios with us, different methods of decision-making can be applied to different portfolios.
You can invest in funds, ETFs, equities and structured products. The Evli Trader service allows you to trade independently on the NASDAQ OMX stock exchanges in Helsinki, Stockholm or Copenhagen, the NYSE, Nasdaq and Deutsche Börse.
Through Evli you can invest in all asset classes, including listed equities, fixed income investments and alternative investments such as private equity, real estate, forest, private debt, and infrastructure investments.
All geographical areas, from developed to emerging markets, are within your reach through Evli’s own funds and those of its partners.
Evli can help you with all your tax and legal issues regarding your assets. Tax considerations are an integral part of investment activities. We can also help you to draw up deeds of donations, testaments and estate inventories. Evli’s Private Banking unit’s legal expert and our comprehensive network of partners are at your service.
The My Evli online service allows you to monitor the performance of your entire assets, including all your investment portfolios, properties and unlisted companies, whenever you want. The service also contains Evli’s weekly reviews, the latest market information and investment ideas.
Evli Life offers asset management solutions which allow you to optimize the taxation of your investment assets and carry out inheritance planning through individually-tailored unit-linked life insurance. We seek the best offer from various insurance alternatives to find the insurance solution that will suit you best.
Maximizing investment goal achievement probability
1. Goals
We help you to work out what you want to achieve with your assets and when. A private investor’s investment goals might be for example financial independence, protection of capital or its transfer to future generations.
2. Current situation
We will go through your current assets with you to gain an understanding of the investment capital that is available to achieve your goals. Only a part of these assets are usually made up of traditional investment assets. An understanding of the big picture helps to create an investment portfolio which will balance the risks for the remaining assets.
3. Scenario analyses
We use scenario analyses to calculate the likelihood that various investment strategies will achieve your investment targets. After this we select a strategy that best suits your investment targets and risk preferences.
4. Implementation
We continuously monitor the achievement of targets after the strategy has been selected and the appropriate portfolio has been created. We also regularly assess changes in life situation and risk preferences.

My Evli online service
Our online service allows you to monitor your wealth development at any time. You'll see your entire wealth, both in portfolios, real estate and unlisted companies.

Services for entrepreneurs
Successful entrepreneurs often accumulate assets both within their companies and outside of them. We will help you form an overall understanding of the various components of your assets, and of the goals and risks associated with entrepreneurship.
We will help in among others valuing your business and planning your ownership strategy.
The entrepreneur's investment strategy
Based on your goals we will create an investment strategy that balances the risks of operational business functions and that will achieve your investment goals with the highest possible likelihood. As a part of asset management for entrepreneurs, we often build upon capital reserves that can be used to secure the continuity of business operations in order to prepare for fast changes taking place in the industry or company.
We often act as someone for our entrepreneur clients to talk to and trust in the many phases of a company’s lifecycle. We have many years of experience in M&A, financial restructuring and asset management, and it is natural to help clients in wealth appraisals, ownership strategy planning and the assessment of strategic alternatives.
We help entrepreneur families in cross-generational planning and generational changes. We have also designed and implemented training plans for younger generations of entrepreneurs that are intended to prepare for the next generational changes on a long-term basis.
Evli has long experience in corporate and financial transactions in various sectors. As a Private Banking client, you can discuss the topic with an expert free of charge.
The operational company often makes up the majority of an entrepreneur’s assets. It is worth determining its value in order to work out the entrepreneur’s overall assets even if there are no plans to sell the company.
"It is worth transferring a company’s values and competence to a new generation of entrepreneurs well in advance."
Esa Pensala, Head of Private Clients
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Get to know us
Our experts take care of your wealth. We aim to build a long-term relationship with you.