Evli Group employs approximately 300 investment professionals. On this page you can find the persons working in direct client contact, as well as Evli's executive group and the contact details to IR, communications and human resources.
Evli records phone calls, electronic messages and electronic meetings. The recordings are stored for five years, or seven years at the request of a competent authority. Copies of recordings are available for clients upon request.

Heli Adams

Kia Aejmelaeus

Georgi Agiashvili

Lauri Ahokanto

Joonas Alarova

Kristian Albrecht

Riku Asikainen

Maiju Aspegren

Johannes Asuja

Kaj Autio

Sari Bergman

Jere Blomqvist

Fredrik Brogren

Wilhelm Bruun

Joachim Dannberg

Mari Etholén

Kukka Floor

Marco Granskog

Elina Gröning

Marjaana Haataja

Marjaana Häkli

Johannes Halavaara

Sofia Halmesmäki

Juhana Heikkilä

Mikko Heikkilä
Didn't find the person you were looking for?
If you do not find the contact details you are looking for, please contact our switchboard at +358 (0)9 476 690 (weekdays from 9 am to 4.30 pm).