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Teemme päivityksiä My Evli -verkkopalvelussa torstaina 23.1.2025 klo 19.00-21.00. Pahoittelemme katkosta aiheutuvaa haittaa.

115 Indoor shot of positive mature female psychologist in elegant suit web

PBM divested to Kry

Divestment to KRY
July 2021
Sector: Healthcare
Service: M&A

Our role

Exclusive financial adviser to the owners of PBM on the sale to Kry


Kry is a digital health provider, allowing users to consult with a qualified health professional in minutes, via their smartphone or tablet. Since launching in early 2015, Kry has established itself as Europe’s leading digital healthcare provider with over 2 million completed patient consultations


PBM, founded in 1985, is specialised in behavioural psychology and operates clinics in 13 locations from Gävle to Malmö with sales of more than SEK 250 million and approximately 200 employees