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Scanfil - Good results amid the pandemic

Scanfil’s Q1 revenue clearly exceeded our and consensus estimates. Communication, Energy & Automation as well as Industrial segments were stronger than we expected. Scanfil says profitability developed as expected and reaffirms FY ’20 outlook.
  • Q1 top line stood at EUR 144.1m, compared to EUR 133.7m/135.2m Evli/consensus estimates.
  • Communication revenue was EUR 22.4m while we expected EUR 16.1m. Scanfil says 5G network elements were the most important demand driver.
  • Consumer Applications revenue amounted to EUR 18.7m vs our EUR 24.7m estimate. Scanfil says the softness was due to a certain account whose demand begins in Q2 this year. The coronavirus also had an impact on a couple of accounts.
  • Energy & Automation recorded EUR 30.7m compared to our EUR 25.4m estimate. Demand was broad and strengthened during the quarter.
  • Industrial top line was EUR 45.6m vs our EUR 38.6m expectation.
  • Medtec & Life Science revenue amounted to EUR 26.7m, in comparison to our EUR 28.9m estimate.
  • Scanfil’s Q1 EBIT was EUR 8.6m vs EUR 8.7m/8.3m Evli/consensus estimates. The 6.0% operating margin was thus slightly lower than our 6.5% estimate.
  • Scanfil issued annual guidance on Feb 19, 2020 according to which the company saw FY ’20 revenue in the EUR 590-640m range and EBIT at EUR 39-43m. Scanfil said the guidance was subject to exceptional uncertainty due to the coronavirus situation that was evolving in China back then. The company made a certain allowance accordingly. Scanfil now reaffirms the outlook but updates the definition of uncertainties with a reference to potential negative effects of the pandemic.
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