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113 Lab2c science web

Diaclone divested to Medix Biochemica

Divestment to Medix Biochemica
May 2021
Sector: Healthcare
Service: M&A

Our role

Assisted our French partner firm DDA & Company on the sale of Diaclone to Medix Biochemica Group


Medix Biochemica Group is a global, market-leading supplier of critical raw materials to the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry. In 2020, Medix Biochemica Group employed more than 200 professionals worldwide and had revenues of EUR 45 million. Headquartered in Finland and local teams in the US, Europe, and Asia.


Diaclone, founded in 1986, is a prominent provider of monoclonal antibodies in the areas of inflammation, oncology, and immunology. In 2020, Diaclone employed a team of c. 25 professionals in Besançon, France