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Taaleri - Supportive fee outlook

Taaleri’s H1 earnings were due to the previously given guidance quite unsurprising and segment development corresponded roughly to expectations. A better than anticipated AUM development supports the fee outlook going forward, with 2019 earnings still expected to rely on the Texas wind farm project.

Favourable AUM development improving WM fee outlook

Taaleri’s had pre-H1 announced an H1 EBIT-margin range of 20-25%, with EBIT at EUR 6.4m (Evli 6.8m), at a 20.6% margin. Segment results corresponded roughly to our expectations, with solid investment returns boosting Financing’s earnings, while Wealth Management earnings were weak, as indicated by the guidance revision. Energy’s earnings remained negative as expected. The in our view most positive information of the first half-year was AUM development, with group AUM up 15.6% to EUR 6.6bn. Uncalled commitments along with the accumulation of AUM towards late H1 is expected to benefit Wealth Management’s fees and continuing earnings going into H2.

2019 earnings still dependent on Texas wind farm project

Taaleri has guided for the 2019 EBIT-margin to be slightly below that achieved in 2018. Compared to H1/19 we expected clear improvements in Wealth Managements operating profits, driven by higher AUM and an increase in performance fees (-0.5m in H1). We expect a decline in Financing, both H2/19 and the coming years, due to expected lower investment returns. The deciding factor for 2019 earnings will be Energy, were the divestment of the Texas wind farm project is expected during H2/19, with SolarWind II fees also expected to boost the operating profitability to a positive level. H1 group earnings were also affected by elevated personnel expenses, which we expect to support earnings improvement in H2.

BUY with a target price of EUR 7.6 (8.0)

Based on the H1 report, which given the favourable AUM development and expected cost base decline in H2 was slightly more positive than we had expected, we retain our BUY-rating with a target price of EUR 7.6 (8.0).

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