Innofactor - Profitability beats expectations
Innofactor’s Q3 results were better than we had expected. The net sales in Q3 amounted to EUR 14.0m (Evli EUR 14.1m), while EBITDA amounted to EUR 1.5m (Evli EUR 0.7m). Innofactor reiterated its 2019 guidance, with net sales expected to increase from 2018 and EBITDA to be in between EUR 4.0-6.0m.
- Net sales in Q3 were EUR 14.0m (EUR 13.8m in Q3/18), in line with our estimates (Evli EUR 14.1m). Net sales in Q3 grew 1.4 % y/y. Sales per employee has improved by 12.0% since the previous year.
- Operating profit in Q3 amounted to EUR 0.3m (EUR -1.2m in Q3/18), above our estimates (Evli EUR -0.2m), at a margin of 1.8 %. Profitability has been supported by the measures taken during the end of 2018 to improve profitability.
- EBITDA in Q3 was EUR 1.5m (EUR -0.5m in Q3/18), above our estimates (Evli EUR 0.7m), at an EBITDA-margin of 11.0 %.
- Order backlog at EUR 53.2m, up 107% y/y, aided by several significant orders signed.
- Guidance reiterated: Innofactor’s net sales in 2019 is estimated to increase from 2018 and EBITDA is estimated to grow up to EUR 4.0–6.0 million
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