Etteplan - Acquisitions boosting growth
Acquisitions to boost growth in seasonally slower quarter
Etteplan raised its guidance in Q2, largely due to acquisitions made in mid-2019, expecting revenue and EBIT for 2019 to grow significantly compared to 2018. With the revised guidance and the stable development that Etteplan has shown, results of the seasonally slower Q3 should not be particularly eventful, although the recent acquisitions may likely cause some estimates deviation due to lack of comparison figures. We expect revenue to amount to EUR 59.1m, with a growth of 12.5%. We expect over 10% growth in all service areas, with Engineering Solutions in particular boosted by the acquisitions. We expect an EBITA-margin of 9.3%.
Market outlook comments remain of interest
Our interest in the Q3 results will remain focused on remarks regarding market outlook and any possible comments on the outlook for 2020, as we are rather confident in the 2019 guidance being reached. Given the near-term nature of key uncertainties (Brexit and U.S-China trade war) forward-looking comments will likely still be limited. Some small positive signs have been seen post-Q3 but without agreements the uncertainty will likely continue to have an effect on investment decisions.
HOLD with a target price of EUR 9.6
We have not made changes to our estimates ahead of Q3. We retain our HOLD-rating and target price of EUR 9.6 intact.