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Detection Technology - Q4 result in line, outlook stable

Q4 Net sales amounted to EUR 25.7m (-6.8% y/y) vs. EUR 25.8m/27.7m Evli/consensus estimates. MBU sales were EUR 10.1m (EUR 10.8m our expectation) and SBU sales were EUR 15.5m (EUR 15.0m our expectation). DT’s Q4’18 EBIT came in at EUR 4.9m, which is in line with our estimates of EUR 5.2m (EUR 5.8m cons). Dividend proposal is 0.38, which is lower than our estimate of 0.45.
  • Group level results: Q4 net sales amounted to EUR 25.7m (-6.8% % y/y) vs. EUR 25.8m/27.7m Evli/consensus estimates. Meanwhile, Q4 EBIT was EUR 4.9m (19.2% margin) vs. EUR 5.2m/5.8m Evli/cons. R&D costs amounted to 9.3% of net sales.
  • Medical Business Unit (MBU) delivered net sales of EUR 10.1m which was slightly above our estimate of EUR 10.8m. Net sales of MBU increased by 24.3% y/y due to well-developed demand from key customers.
  • Security and Industrial Business Unit (SBU) had net sales of EUR 15.5m vs. EUR 15.0m Evli estimate. SBU sales declined by -19.9% y/y due to Chinese transport infrastructure projects being on hold and intensified competition.

Outlook: DT expects sales to grow in both business units and geographically in all markets and believes that the company will achieve double-digit revenue growth. However, the second half of the year will be challenging for MBU sales, because one of DT’s major customers will ramp down manufacturing of a device that uses a DT solution.

Medium-term business outlook is unchanged: Detection Technology aims to increase sales by at least 15% per annum and to achieve an operating margin at or above 15% in the medium term.

Open Report