CapMan - Strong Q4 bodes well for 2021
Strong fourth quarter beating our expectations
CapMan’s Q4 results were strong and clearly better than expected. Revenue amounted to EUR 13.4m (Evli/cons. EUR 10.6m/10.7m) and the operating profit to EUR 9.7m (Evli/cons. 4.4m/5.1m). The earnings beat was mainly attributable to higher than expected fair value changes (act./Evli EUR 7.0m/3.4m). More importantly and frankly also quite surprisingly management fees also grew clearly from previous quarters. Management fees grew to EUR 9.7m (Evli EUR 7.5m) and the Management Company business EBIT as such beat our expectations (act./Evli EUR 3.6m/2.0m). CapMan expectedly proposed a dividend distribution of EUR 0.14 per share, to be paid in two instalments.
2021-2022E EBIT estimates raised by some 20%
We have made larger revisions to our estimates and raised our 2021-2022E EBIT estimates by some 20%. We have clearly raised our estimates for management fees, with clear momentum being gained, and as such also fee-based profitability. Our investment business return estimates remain somewhat conservative given the solid Q4 returns (without larger exits), as we are not yet convinced of a clear level shift. We still assume that carried interest will be earned during 2021E, although COVID-19 has had a dent on the progress and timing is still highly uncertain. On Group level in 2021 we expect CapMan to post much stronger results than in 2020 with across the board improvements. Our 2021 EBIT estimate is at EUR 38.2m (2019: EUR 12.3m).
HOLD with a target price of EUR 2.70 (2.40)
Based on our estimates revisions we adjust our target price to EUR 2.70 (2.40). Current valuation still leaves some upside potential, but we still see some need for more evidence on higher earnings levels. We retain our HOLD-rating.